
Salesforce Freelance Consultant

Salesforce Freelance Consultants are hired by companies that use Salesforce software for specific projects or a set period of time. They use their Salesforce skills to help improve how their clients use the platform.

Being a freelance Salesforce Consultant is a popular and enjoyable career choice because there’s a high demand for it and it offers flexibility. Many professionals choose to become independent Salesforce consultants so they can have more control over their work-life balance, earn more money, or work on different projects.

The Salesforce industry is growing rapidly, providing lots of job opportunities for freelancers because of its innovative technology and loyal customer base. Many Salesforce professionals eventually start their own consulting businesses because it’s relatively easy to do so in this field.

If you’re interested in becoming a freelance Salesforce consultant, there are steps you can take right now to start building your career in this field.

How to Become a Salesforce Freelance Consultant ?

Let’s break down what a Salesforce Freelancer does…

  1. Know Your Field: Understand how your skills and experience can help your clients.
  2. Create Your Offer: Decide which Salesforce products you’ll use and how you’ll package your services for projects.
  3. Set Up Your Freelance Base: Get organized from the start to avoid paperwork headaches later.
  4. Find Clients: There are different ways to attract clients, some need more marketing effort while others are simpler.
  5. Pitch Your Services: Set your rates, understand your client’s needs, and create a clear project plan.
  6. Manage Projects Like a Pro: Make sure your projects are successful by delivering on time and within budget.

What Does a Salesforce Freelancer Do?

When you hear “freelancer,” it typically means someone who works for themselves and takes on different jobs from various companies. But being a freelance consultant is more exciting than that.

As a freelance consultant, you’re in charge of the entire project, focusing on a specific area where you want to excel.

There are three main types of Salesforce freelancers:

  1. Salesforce Freelancers: These pros fully embrace the freelance lifestyle, working on projects either by the day or hour.
  2. Moonlighters: These freelancers have a full-time job but freelance on the side, often working evenings or nights, which is why it’s called “moonlighting.”
  3. Salesforce Contractors: Contractors are similar to freelancers but may have a slightly different approach and work style.

Salesforce Freelancers usually specialize in roles like Freelance Salesforce Consultant, Admin, Developer, and more within the Salesforce ecosystem.

Salesforce Freelancers vs. Salesforce Contractors

When Salesforce experts choose to work for themselves, they have two options:

  1. Freelancing: This is usually about completing specific tasks, with a clear outline of what needs to be done (called a “scope of work”) and a fixed cost for the project. Freelancers might collaborate with company teams for short periods during the project.
  2. Contracting: This usually involves working for a set period of time, often with the possibility of extending the contract for a few more months before the client decides whether to continue. Contractors often work closely with company teams, almost like regular employees.

Is Freelancing Right for Me?

Going freelance is a big step, and it’s important to realize it takes a lot of time and effort. But if you’re not sure if freelancing is right for you, there are ways to try it out first.

Here are some methods used in the Salesforce world to ease into freelance work without fully committing:

  • Moonlighting: This means having a second job, often kept secret, alongside your regular one. It involves using your evenings, weekends, or vacation time to test out freelancing.
  • Pro bono: Volunteering for a nonprofit organization lets you experience working in a new environment and dealing with different people without the pressure of being paid.
  • Smaller projects: Taking on small projects that you can finish quickly can give you a taste of freelancing without leaving your current job.
  • Working for a consultancy: While not an option for everyone, working for a Salesforce consulting company can be a good stepping stone towards freelancing.

How do you know if Freelancing is right for you?

have less flexibility, or work longer hours than you expected. That’s why it’s important to know your “why” – it’s what keeps you motivated during tough times.

Your “why” also helps you stand out as a Salesforce expert. What problems can you solve really well? Why should clients choose you over someone else? Here are some questions to think about:

  1. Why did you start your own business?
  2. What problem can you solve better than anyone else?
  3. How is your solution different from others?
  4. What do you want to achieve in your first year of business?

1. What is your Niche

How can your skills and experience help your clients? You’ve probably heard this advice before. Did you think about it?

To succeed as a Salesforce Freelancer, you need to stand out. To the clients you’re trying to attract, it might seem like everyone does the same thing. Just listing your skills with Salesforce won’t grab their attention.

Instead of focusing on a specific industry or Salesforce product, define your niche based on the specific problems you solve for your clients. That’s what will make you stand out.

2.What kind of Services you offer

Decide which Salesforce products you want to use and how you’ll package your project tasks.

Your offering is the services you offer to potential clients, like a menu of what you can do. It’s important to group your tasks in a way that makes sense, so your clients end up with a working Salesforce system and you have a good experience too.

You know what parts of the Salesforce platform you’re good at and what a successful project looks like, with a list of tasks completed. How do you want to work with a client? Here are some ways to structure your projects:

  • Frequency: How often you work with the client and when.
  • Duration: How long each project lasts.
  • Payment: How you charge your client.

Here are some options for project structures:

  • Project with Fixed Cost: You agree on a set price before starting work. You’ll complete the agreed tasks for that amount, and any changes need to be discussed and agreed upon separately.
  • Project with Time & Materials (T&M): The client pays based on the hours or days you work. You estimate how long each task will take, but the final cost isn’t fixed. If unexpected things come up, you deal with them as they happen.
  • Managed Services: This is a contract where you agree to work a certain number of hours each month for the client, for a set period of time, like 3 to 12 months.
  • Ad-Hoc Support: This is when you help with small, unexpected tasks that pop up, like fixing a problem or giving training. It’s more flexible but can be riskier because it’s unplanned.

3. Prepare the ‘Freelancing Foundation’

Build a strong foundation now to avoid getting stuck with boring paperwork or unexpected problems later!

Starting a Salesforce consulting business might sound exciting, but many new freelancers quickly realize there’s more to it than just knowing Salesforce!

Here’s a checklist for the business side of things:

  • Set up your company (check what’s needed in your country).
  • Get your accounting and payroll systems in place.
  • Figure out how you’ll get paid (something HR usually handled).
  • Make a cash flow sheet to help with budgeting.
  • Consider getting business insurance (it’s a good idea to protect yourself).
  • Have template contracts and NDAs ready.
  • Invest in tools like project management software (like Asana or Trello) and accounting platforms to help you stay organized.

4. How to find Clients as salesforce freelancer?

There are different ways clients can find you. Some involve actively promoting your services, while others are more passive.

Let’s talk about three ways you can find work as a freelance Salesforce Consultant:

  1. Get Your Own Clients: This involves reaching out to potential clients or making yourself easy to find. You can do this through writing articles, making videos, speaking engagements, or reaching out directly to potential clients.
  2. Subcontracting Through a Salesforce Consultancy: This means working with a company that needs your specific skills. This is a common approach because consulting firms sometimes need extra help, and it can be more cost-effective for them to hire freelancers.
  3. Recruiters: Recruiters help connect companies that need Salesforce experts with freelancers like you. They can help you find high-quality opportunities. These opportunities might be full-time contracts for a few months, but sometimes they also have freelance gigs. It’s a good idea to stay in touch with recruiters so they can keep you updated on both types of opportunities.

5. Sell Your Services

  1. Decide how much you’ll charge per day, learn about the client’s business well, and create a ‘statement of work’ that outlines the project details from the start.
  2. Selling can be tough, especially if you’re used to working behind the scenes in a Salesforce job. But it doesn’t have to be stressful. If you find the right balance between presenting your services and connecting with the right clients, it can be smoother.

Setting Your Day Rate Your day rate is how much you charge a client for a day of work. Figuring out this number can be stressful. Once you have it, you can use it for any project and decide the best way to deliver your work.

To make sure you’re making enough money, you need to think about two types of hours:

  • ‘Billable’ hours: Time you spend working directly on tasks for the client.
  • Non-billable hours: Time spent on other work-related things.

There are many things that affect your day rate, so I can’t give you a specific number. But I can suggest places where you can find information:

  • Look at what other Salesforce contractors are charging.
  • Check online job sites.
  • Reach out to Salesforce companies and recruiters.
  • Connect with other Salesforce professionals.

Consultant’s Sales Process Selling a Salesforce project isn’t usually a quick transaction. That’s why many companies have a special sales team. Let’s go through the stages of selling a project and some tips to make it easier.

Note: You can buy templates for workshops, project plans, and more to help you.

  • Initial Call: Learn about the client’s business and why they want to use Salesforce. This will help you decide if you’re a good fit for their needs.
  • Discovery: Learn as much as you can about the client’s business and what they need from Salesforce.
  • Proposal & Pricing: Create a detailed ‘Statement of Work’ outlining what you’ll do.
  • Negotiation: Finalize the deal and make sure it’s profitable for you.
  • Pre Kick-off Preparation: Get everything ready before starting the project so you don’t waste time later.

6. Ace Salesforce Project Management as a Freelancer

Make sure the project goes well – finished on time and not spending too much money.

Besides selling Salesforce projects, managing them can be scary for freelance consultants. It’s really important to make sure the project goes well – finished on time and not spending too much money.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Plan the project schedule, making sure it fits with the client’s schedule and avoids holidays.
  • Make sure both you and the client know who’s responsible for what, and keep them updated using a project management tool or a Google Sheet.
  • Keep track of any risks to the project, using something like RAID logs.

How do you manage successful Salesforce projects on your own?

Most consultancies add 10% to their proposal for project management. Maybe you should do the same. Remember, you’ll spend a lot of time talking to clients and making sure everything’s going smoothly.

Salesforce Freelancing: I Wish I Had Known

Now’s the time to learn about the challenges of freelancing. It’s not always easy – there are bumps in the road.

To help you avoid common mistakes, I’ll share some things I’ve learned along the way:

  • Don’t spread yourself too thin trying to promote your services everywhere. Experiment at first, but focus on where you’re actually getting leads once you start winning clients.
  • Handling accounting on your own can be a lot of work. Consider outsourcing tasks like this to a professional accountant or a virtual assistant so you can focus on your work.
  • Don’t underestimate how much time you’ll spend on non-client tasks. Unexpected things come up, and you’ll have other duties besides just your work.
  • When setting your price, stick to it even if the client wants something done quickly and cheaply. If the project changes and you need to charge more, don’t be afraid to speak up.
  • Stick to your niche. Don’t get tempted by easy money in other areas. Focus on becoming an expert in your chosen field.
  • Be careful with ad-hoc requests and make sure you establish boundaries with your clients. Let them know when they can contact you and what kinds of requests you’ll accept.


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