
Lightning Web Components (LWC) is a popular option for building Salesforce applications. These are known for their performance, reusability, and simplicity. You must have a deep understanding of the LWC component lifecycle to use the full potential of it. Today, we are going to explore the delicacies of the LWC component lifecycle, its phases, and how you can utilize them to create efficient and robust applications.

LWC Component Lifecycle: Creation Phase

Similar to any general lifecycle, LWC component lifecycle begins with its creation. During this phase, two major methods are invoked: 

  • The Constructor
  • The connectedCallback

At first, The constructor method is called when the LWC component starts. It’s job is to initialize component properties and declare variables. You must now that one can’t access the DOM or perform asynchronous operations within the constructor.

After that, the connectedCallback is called that provides an opportunity to perform setup operations such as accessing the component’s DOM, making API calls, or initializing variables. The connectedCallback is the ideal place to begin actions that require DOM access.

LWC Component Lifecycle: Render Phase

The render phase begins after you create the component and complete initial setup. During this phase, the component’s HTML markup is generated. The render method generate the markup and is called whenever the component’s state changes. It does not perform any API calls or modify the component’s state in any condition. Its sole purpose is to create the HTML representation of the component based on its current state.

After that, the job of renderedCallback begins. This method creates a hook to perform operations that require access to the component’s rendered DOM elements. It is an ideal place to manipulate the DOM, add event listeners, or perform other post-render actions.

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LWC Component Lifecycle: Update Phase

The update phase of any LWC component lifecycle is crucial as it changes the component’s properties or attributes. When the value changes, the corresponding getter or setter method is called. It further allows you to perform calculations, update dependent properties, or trigger actions depending on the new value.

The shouldUpdate method is invoked before the component is updated and allows you to control whether the component should update or not. You can leverage this method to optimize performance by skipping unnecessary updates. The willUpdate method is called before the component’s update, and it provides an opportunity to perform actions. Finally, the didUpdate method works after the update is complete, enabling you to perform any necessary actions after the component has been updated.

LWC Component Lifecycle: Event Handling

LWC components can handle events fired by child components, parent components, or the Aura framework. Event handlers allow you to respond to these events and update the component’s state or trigger actions. LWC provides a straightforward event handling mechanism through the use of decorators and event handlers. By making use of the decorators, you can define methods that respond to specific events and perform the desired actions.

LWC Component Lifecycle: Destruction Phase 

The LWC component lifecylce comes to an end with the destruction phase. When we remove a component from the DOM, the disconnectedCallback method comes into action. This method creates an opportunity to perform any necessary cleanup operations, including canceling timers or releasing resources. You should take care of the cleanup operations properly to avoid memory leaks or suspicious behaviour in the system.


Understanding the LWC Component lifecycle is vital for developing efficient and robust applications on the Salesforce platform. In our blog, we learned about the various lifecycle hooks and phases, developers can control the behavior of their components at different stages. There is no doubt in the fact that component lifecycle provides a structured approach to building LWC applications. The developers can use this knowledge to create highly performant applications in the Salesforce ecosystem.


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